Come see us any Wednesday night at 2704 East Kelowna Road. Check out our joining page for more information.
What will it cost?
Most funding for the Air Cadet Program is provided by the Department of National Defence and the Air Cadet League of Canada, which is represented locally by the Squadron Sponsoring Committee. Each year, however, the Squadron Sponsoring Committee will request a registration fee for each cadet to help support the squadron's activities. In addition, cadets and their parents are expected to assist in the squadron's fundraising initiatives. More information can be found here.
How old must I be to join the Air Cadets?
You are eligible to join if you are 12 to 18 years of age.
What are the requirements of membership?
All potential cadets must be interested in the program and prepared to attend regularly. You must be a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant and in good health. Permission of your parent or guardian is also required.
How often do Air Cadets train?
You will parade every Wednesday night. Air Cadets also participate in occasional day trips and overnight weekend training.
Are there any extra curricular activities?
243 Squadron has a Drill Team, Survival Training, Ground School, Computerized Aircraft Simulation Center, Effective Speaking Training, Remote Controlled Aircraft Training, and many more activities. They also participate in weekend practices and competitions.
How often do Air Cadets fly?
Generally our squadron goes gliding 2-4 times a year, as well as power aircraft flying 2-5 times per year.
If I join Air Cadets, will I be joining the Canadian Forces?
No. Air Cadets is a civilian youth organization with ties to the Canadian military, but it is not part of the Canadian military.
Must I buy my own uniform?
No. Complete uniforms are loaned to cadets by the Canadian Forces. You are, of course, expected to keep the uniform looking clean and neat.
Do Air Cadets receive pay?
Only when attending certain full-time summer courses. All cadets, however, receive valuable educational benefits, trips to camp, free flying courses and other rewards.
Who instructs Air Cadets?
Air Cadets are supervised by officers of the Cadet Instructors Cadre, a component of the Canadian Forces reserve who are specially trained to work with youth. Specially trained civilians are also active in the Air Cadet program. Most of the actual instruction is by senior cadets who have been in the program for a few years.
What about pilot training?
Air Cadets who can pass the required medical and written examinations can qualify for glider and powered aircraft pilot scholarship summer courses conducted at flying clubs, schools and camps across Canada.
Can Air Cadets obtain summer employment?
Yes. For senior Air Cadets who are properly qualified, the summer camps and special courses offer worthwhile summer employment opportunities.
Where can I find more information?
Please contact us here and feel free to look through our website and social media for more information.