Without members and volunteers many activities in a Squadron would not take place. Members and Volunteers give their time in a variety of ways, for example:
Knowing the volunteers, their skills and talents, and their intended contribution is very important to the Squadron Officers, staff and Sponsoring Committee. A team effort produces the best results for the greater benefit of the Cadet Movement. |
As a full, active partner in this aspect of the Air Cadet Program, it is reasonable that we should ensure that our registration and screening protocols meet the same standard required by our military partners. The military will be responsible for screening the volunteers of the Canadian Forces, both Regular and Reserve as well as contracted Civilian Instructors.
A volunteer’s Registration/Screening is valid for five years as long as the volunteer remains in good standing. By applying and being approved, the Volunteer undertakes an obligation to report any subsequent change to his/her situation/circumstances that is of a nature to reasonably and usually require a re-evaluation and re-screening (example, a new criminal offence). We thank you for your generous offer of volunteer services and hope you understand the legal and moral obligation of the League in reviewing the suitability of all individuals working or involved with youth. |
A - Registration Forms (all are needed)
B - Screening & Reference Check
C - Additional Documents