To allow each senior parade position an opportunity to learn, grow and be mentored, each Warrant position has been paired with a corresponding Officer in the squadron. Each Warrant Officer will work with their corresponding Officer on a weekly basis.
The positions are as follows:
Cadet Squadron Commander - Deputy Commanding Officer Cadet Squadron Deputy Commander - Commanding Officer Training Warrant Officer - Training Officer More information can be found in the Squadron Standing Orders. |
The “Chain of Command” within the cadet corps exists so that information and instructions can be passed efficiently between all levels. It allows leaders to organize their teams quickly and efficiently between all levels, and gives everyone a job to do. A chain of command consists of various appointments including Cadet Squadron Commander, down to the Cadets of each flight.
The job you do is a result of your appointment, not necessarily because of the rank you hold. All cadets appointed to certain positions are there because they have been selected to do this job by an officer, because they have deserved recognition and can be trusted to do what needs to be done. To receive an appointment is equally, if not more important, than receiving a rank. |
The higher up the chain of command you are, the more responsibilities you have, however, everyone has an equally important role to play in the success of the corps. The chain works both ways, both for passing information down and for passing information questions or answers back up. This system works because there is rarely any confusion over what each person’s responsibilities are.
You must not “short-circuit” the chain of command. If you need information or have a problem, ask your Section Commander first. If your Section Commander can’t help, they will find someone who can. However, in your Squadron, as in the Canadian Forces, any member may approach any officer they feel comfortable with for a confidential interview to discuss any matter of personal importance or those to do with harassment, bullying or a safety concern. |